วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Reducing Road Accidents through Correct Enforcement

Reducing Road Accidents through Correct Enforcement

Dr.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak
Senior Fellow, Harvard Univerisity’s Center for Business and Government

            As drunk driving is one cause for car accidents, campaigning to eradicate this problem       is therefore an important necessity. While alcohol checkpoints can help to reduce accidents, many other accident factors are also involved that require investigation and resolution. Bangkok’s accident statistics collected in January 2008, for example, discover other accident causes to be excessive speed (18.83%), sudden driving interferences (17.17%), failure to signal (3.65%), driving in the wrong lane (2.82%), failure to heed stop signs (2.69%), not keeping in the left hand lane (1.76%), unprofessional driving (1.76%) and failure to give way (1.76%). These statistics do not differ greatly nationwide.

According to statistics, lack of discipline to keep traffic rules is a significant cause of accidents. In addition, not only is there a loss of life and property for accident victims, but their family members and relatives are also certainly affected. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, a disciplined observance of traffic rules should be seriously enhanced.

However, in addition to arranging rule-drills for people, especially juveniles, the discovery of a solution to control or punish those who break the rules would also be significant, also requiring rapid and effective attention. For example, in 1989 a policy was established to catch speed riders in every city area in Victoria, Australia, with cameras installed to detect cars driven at high speed. Due to this policy, the accident rate was reduced by 30%.

It is therefore necessary to solve Thailand’s road accident problem using law reinforcement against high speed riders and those who break traffic rules. This can be achieved using such technology as a camera watch system linked to electronic gadgetry that can issue tickets and extend the validity of road licenses. Such measures should be combined with a “drive without drink” campaign in order to reduce the occurrence of road accidents. 

Restrictive legal measures combined with the attentiveness of traffic police are very important so that all drivers will be helped to respect each other while driving on the road. Road safety in Thailand will then proportionately increase.

